Statistics show marijuana has doubled in the last decade due to its legalization in many states and countries. Previously, it was a crime to consume any weed product anywhere in the world. Those who did it did so in secrecy, but today, things are easing up. More and more states are drafting laws to regulate its use. There’s also a lot of evidence that smoking marijuana is safer than taking alcohol, and therefore many are willing to shift and enjoy the “high” more safely.
But if you are a first-time consumer of cannabis, you need guidance to avoid the following problems. Choose a reputable recreational weed dc dispensary near you with experienced budtenders; they will help you through your smoking journey.
Not storing the stash in some airtight container.
If you smoke daily, a Ziploc bag would be fine because you don’t need to store it for a long time. However, this is not the right approach when it comes to cannabis storage. If you want your pot to be fresh for long, you need an airtight glass container.
Again, you should keep the jar in a cool, arid, and dark place like your kitchen cupboard or closet. Don’t let it lay on the balcony or in your car.
You also look for weed humidors if you can afford them. It’s the best way to store though it may not work for anyone – but it’s for the hardcore enthusiasts. If you’re just a beginner, try the more affordable options like the tightly sealed Mason jars.
Not drinking enough water.
If you are a newbie in marijuana consumption, there’s the “cotton mouth” struggle that you must get used to. When you are high, the receptors at the floor of your mouth stop secreting saliva, so to avoid dryness in your mouth, you must chug some water.
Taking water is something you must do every other time, but it’s dangerous to go “high” when you are not hydrated when it comes to smoking weed. So, if you’re smoking from home, get a glass or two and take them initially, during, and after. That will keep you hydrated all through.
Forgetting the lip balm
If you’ve smoked marijuana, you know how dry your lips can get. If you don’t carry a lip balm, then you could get very uncomfortable. So, get some coconut oil or lip balm with you every time to avoid the chapped lips- you won’t regret it.
Forgetting to use screens
When you are using tiny glass bowls, using a screen shouldn’t worry you. But if you’re using a large glass bowl or a metal pipe, keep the screens in stock. Using a screen (filter) protects you from inhaling ash into the lungs. That could mean health problems with time. They are therefore worth buying, so you shouldn’t make the mistake of ignoring them.
Too deep inhalation
Most of the cannabis smokers, especially newbies do so to get high- There’s that excitement. But you don’t have to inhale so deeply to get it done. They say, “slow but sure,” that’s the approach to smoking cannabis.
Most people make mistakes in smoking marijuana due to a lack of guidance. Don’t approach it with a “getting high” mentality; enjoy it like any other recreational activity.
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